In this tutorial i will be using CentOS to demonstrate the configuration of OpenSSL as a local certificate authority. Once this is setup you can use this server to sign certificates for other servers on your network. In this example i will also generate a request for signing from the server but in production instances you can/will do this from the requesting server.
1) Find out where the openssl.cnf file is located
which openssl
locate openssl.cnf
2) Change to the folder containing the openssl.cnf file, make a backup of the file
cd /etc/pki/tls
Use root user for the following
cp openssl.cnf openssl_bkup.cnf
3) Configure cnf file as needed
vi openssl.cnf
dir = ./local-ca or /etc/pki/local-ca
Under the [change req_distinguished_name] heading you can modify the defaults
as needed (helps in faster option selection but not required)
Modify the opensssl configuration to enable revocation list
comment out "crlnumber"
should be #crlnumber after change
4) After the configuration edits
mkdir local-ca
cd local-ca
mkdir newcerts
mkdir certs
mkdir req
mkdir private
mkdir crl
echo "01" > serial
touch index.txt
5) Create the CA
cd /etc/pki/local-ca
openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private/cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 3650
6) Create request for certificate from the Certificate Authority above (different server)
openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout private/newsecuredserver.key -out req/newsecuredserver.req -days 1095
7) Create the signed Certificate from the request above
openssl ca -policy policy_anything -out certs/newsercuredserver.pem -in req/newsecuredserver.req
ssl certificate is .pem
key files are .key
Backup entire OpenSSL directory
Remember to keep the directory permissions
ls -Fla pki
Create the certificate revocation list
openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -gencrl -out /crl/pem
Revoking Certificates
openssl ca -revoke /System/Library/OpenSSL/groundsweel/certs/mainfinsrvprod/pem
Create new request after revoking the certificate
openssl req -new -nodes -out /System/Library/OpenSSL/mainfinsrvprod/req/mainfinsrvprodnew.req
Create new signed certificate
openssl ca -config /System/Library/OpenSSL/openssl.cnf -policy poilicy_anything -out /System/Library/OpenSSL/main0ca/certs/mainfinsrvprodnew.pem -infiles /System/Library/OpenSSL/main-ca/req/mainfinsrvprodnew.req